UniVoxbox un-Boxing Review and Thoughts!

so its that time again! I received the Uni Voxbox for the spring this is as well my 2nd voxbox this stuff keeps coming in and its awesome . I am currently still living with my mother at the moment , but I still received this from my hubby since my mail goes to my real house while I'm still temporarily living with my mother. And it was full of cool stuff a college student can use! There is Broadway Nails im-Press Press on Manicure nails . Expert Last Lip Color , Pilot Acroball pure white. Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mouse Foundation . As well Playtex Sport Fresh Balance and Red Rose Tea Real Tea water enhancer . Does this cost anything you ask?: Nope you receive these products on behalf of the company for your time and effort to promote and review all these cool products! Broadway Nails im-Press Press on Manicure nails : $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns These Im sorta unsure about I would sa...