Litter Genie is the Cats Meow!

(everything in the pictures was given to me on behalf of crowdtap for Free!) Snickers not many people know is my cat for the most part , but is somewhat of a daddy's girl to say better. Either way she is a american short haired calico , with attitude to boot ! Shes our love and are only child . Now let me get to the basics , so everyone should know somewhat what is a Diaper Genie , For kids, its a place or device where you put a dirty baby diaper and it seals and keeps the Oder from coming out of the pail until it needs to be dumped. And that is usually after a week depending on the child. So this litter genie is the same idea but with cat litter. To be honest with you Snickers is my first indoor cat in my lifetime , ive always had outdoor potty cats that used the outdoors as their potty. And it was fine , but she is actually a indoor cat . Which is Cool , So what are the likes and the dislikes of this product? Well the first dislike I had from the very start was the fact ...