Beauty and The Beast : Movie Review .

I was Just so giddy when they announced this movie , I often feel as if I could relate to belle in some sort of way. Feeling like the odd girl out in my town, I often can know how hard it is sometimes to truly fit in. With this comes a sense of wonder and longing to be outside and travels away from the small town that I call home . Or in belle's case wanting to know and see whats beyond and travel beyond her tiny village. So, yes I am 25 years old , but I truly felt like I was 5 years old again . The original Disney classic came out in 1991 , just about the year I was born. But as a child , I discovered it per usual , seeing it on VHS tape. I loved the fact that belle loved to read books and she adored libraries . I did actually "meet" her when I went to the magic kingdom one Sumner and she was overjoyed to know that I loved books. Asked me where I got mine and everything let me as well say I felt like I was five again. Let us get back to the movie shall we? An ad...