Wonder Woman Movie Review!

Before she was Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny. from imdb.com rated PG-13 First of all this is the top movie at the box office right now and for good reason. This is a wonderful movie, not just for women but for everyone young and old! Over the opening weekend , pictures flooded in with photos of kids especially young girls in awe of Diana. Seeing this woman on screen strong, powerful but yet had the emotions of a woman. Shows us that we as women and many others are able to show our strengths. There are so many scenes that I can talk about , the young Diana looking at the older amazon's trying to practice with them. The delight over ice cream that she never had tasted. The feeling of love , and the feeling of loss. I loved every single aspect of this movie. There is so much I ...