30 Days to Understanding the Bible : Review

Again I was given , a wonderful book to read and review. So I do have to honestly admit , I dont know my bible to the greatest degree that I need to know it. I know more than half can admit that they dont know all the bible or even half of it. We make goals each year at the beginning of the year to learn and study our bible more. We say it over and over , but do we do it? well yes some of us actually make the effort to study the bible and we learn. While others such as myself lets be honest it falls flat . We pick up our bible and we try our best to learn. While we just get busy and allow ourselfs to drift and be happy with the information that we learn or are given on any Sunday morning. This guide , is something everyone needs to review and learn from at least once. Pretty much a comprehensive review of the bible the history of the bible and the places mentioned . You learn terms within the scripture while it breaks it down for you to understand it more. One review section , br...