Roar like a Lion , A Review and Thoughts

This beautiful illustrated devotional is a perfect book for those in elementary to understand and start to learn the bible more. Personally I have heard Levi Lukso , speak in person and if you have not herd him speak he is truly one of those speakers that will leave you empowered and truly wanting to study more. Roar like a lion , is in honor of his daughter Lenya who they called Lenya the lion. Unfortunately she died at an early age due to an asthma attack. Very tragic , and something that no one should go through loosing a child in that early age. I have watched also interviews done by Levi and they hold a lot of peace in knowing that they will see her one day in heaven. Now back to the devo , Browsing through each section is written in a way that it is easier for a child to read and understand what is the main theme for that section. Starts off with a bible verse and then it goes into breaking down and explaining the overall theme and these are short devotionals almost th...