Insurgent Movie And Review

Again those who made the movie Divergent are now back for a 2nd time , giving us another action packed movie. If you don't know the divergent books, there are 3 of the main story and then there is an adaption of "four"'s story that is available to read. Either way there is only two movies out at the moment. Divergent and if you want my thoughts on that movie I believe it is under my previous posts that are here. Now for this movie again all your favorite characters are back that you know from the first movie. Again , to fight the evil of a government who does not diversity. It seems like , Jeannie is  up to her usual tricks trying to get rid of every divergent in the system. But she is also doing something horrible and sinister on them. What is she doing to them? I don't want to give too much away.  You know me and I hate to give spoilers away , none the less this is one action packed twists and turns that you don't want to give away. Or turn away from. The description on IMDb reads," Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart with the help from others on her side."
I love these movies , because they encourage you to be set apart from everything in this world. Its fine to blend in and feel apart of everything in this world . But every once in awhile , its ok to be different and its ok to be  set apart from the world. I love these books and the strong role models that they show and portray. In a world where everyone expects you fit in and be apart of this world sometimes it is ok to be different. This movie is not really for the really young ones , but I would say more for the teenage group because of the ratings. And certain scenes that happen throughout the movie. I would not take the young ones to this movie certainly. But for the older group this is a definite must see! 


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