REPOST : Day 10 Blogging Challenge Best Trip You have ever taken.

Please enjoy a repost today from my personal/Lifestyle blog :
Day 10: The best trip you have ever taken. 
So , I have been to a few places I have been to mexico twice both on missions. I have been to California for a Youth meeting of sorts. I have been to Florida twice , once on missions and youth meeting at the same time. The other time was for an actual vacation with my best friend , even though I would count my missions trips as vacations to me in most words. I have been to Texas countless times for youth rallies and church stuff and then for an actual vacation and seeing family. So I have traveled , I mainly do missions because that is apart of my heart. Is spreading the word of God to those who may not know it or honestly to bring comfort to those who need it. 
I think my best ever trip is a combination of mission trips that I have taken , even though I can admit. Going on vacation for yourself is fun , it doesn't leave the same impression that missions can have. My last well 2nd to last mission trip that I have been on was a trip to mexico , we worked with churches in the area . We held kids programs , and played with the kids and conducted revival church services with the adults. We also visited an orphanage , and played with the youngest of the bunch the older kids were sadly at school. 
This trip , was a little nerve racking due to the fact that it had been awhile that missionaries were brave enough to venture into mexico. Due to the drug cartels, and the drug battles that went on and through the years there since it escalated. We spoke with pastors , and they told us that help has come and was coming but from cooperation's and businesses that traveled to the area. Churches , came when they could but they picked and choose what they did since it was and still is deemed a bit unsafe for american's well Christians to travel there. I guess I should add we were not in a tourist town, where you see Americans on vacation . We were in Juarez , where its normal life people travel through the borders. So yes , it was odd to see us and we kinda stood out none the less this is one of those trips that you are hopeful you get to go yearly on. 
For a full recap and more of my thoughts plus photos  please visit my link
I have a lot of goals , since my relationship has ended and that was two years ago. It took me awhile and I am still coming up with the courage to once I graduate college. To leave it all behind for a year and become a missionary. Though I do not know where I will serve or if I will stay in one place for long , I will trust in God for my plans . And hopefully see where it takes me, because though he has the pen to my story . I will be grateful wherever he takes me. 


  1. Good for you, I don't have time to do missionary work, but I applaud those that can. Thanks for sharing

  2. I love to travel. What a great cause!


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