This week in Review ...

So as this week comes to a close , I often reflect on the week and the many challenges that I have had to face. Funny enough usual top two are , my lack of sleep ( I am a college student) and not enough time to do everything that I need to do.
Which in turn , leaves a lot of projects in my apartment not done.. aka my dishes in my sink. Or half done .. I owe my math teacher two lessons before the 18th. And I owe another teacher a quiz and a homework assignment. I am planning Christmas outreach projects such as operation Christmas child, and a local one which gives gifts to local kids from the children's  home. While thinking of other missions and on the look out for my annual shopping for charity event.
I am planning my weekend as we speak , DVD watching time with the family as well maybe a trip to the movie theater near by. And yes working on homework and starting on a term paper and maybe getting to try out some products! Check for those posts soon. I try to think of fun projects to do over the weekend I really hate being useless...
So what do you do on the weekends?


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