Day 7 and Day 8 of the Blogging Challenge! repost:

Day 7 Five Favorite Songs:

Honestly , this is another hard question for me when it comes down to it. I love music , Though I mostly stay away from "secular" music . Pardon my terms , I do still listen to my favorites I cannot completely abandon those and then I do have new favorites. First I love anything From For king and country and I was blessed to see them perform about two weeks ago. I love taylor swift and yes I am a swiftie , the current songs on repeat from her are out of the woods , back to december , and all too well. As you can somewhat tell my ex has been on my mind and it doesnt help that what would have been five or four years.. I rather not keep count . We would have been together , we were together for 3 years and were on the road to getting married... but I digress. I love Little Big Towns new single better man. Which also brings light to my feelings around this time , also figures why I seem to dream about him this time. From my christian roots , I love anything from TobyMac as well as Jordan Feliz , I have also met him as well , and saw him in concert. 

Day 8 five Current Goals:
Five current goals that I hold dear and close to  my heart at the moment :

  1. To graduate college with my degree and my minor 
  2. To sign up or plan a missions trip for this year or the next 
  3. get greater and improve my study time with my school work and on a more personal level my faith
  4. to lose weight! for any future job and my health 
  5. further more to move on with my life and keep my mental and physical health up.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more reviews!


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