Your Hopes For Your Blog:

Another break , from my Usual Reviews, think of it as a random post but at the same time. Think of it as someway to get to know me. I started this blog as a way to connect and to expand my writing at the same time. I watched and saw others on social media who seemed to enjoy what they were doing. And I thought it looked like fun. Well for me honestly it is fun , I get to expand my writing . So ok here goes , I have two blogs one is reviews and thoughts on life. When the other is more life and thoughts and faith. I have big dreams for either , I want to reach others with my personal blog which can be found here.
But this Review blog , I see so many that are given trips and given chances to do . Really cool media stuff but these bloggers have followers in the millions and that is something. They get products in the mail voluntarily and most can make a stable income in their pj's . Isnt that something? I honestly just wish someday it would turn out like that. Its the main reason , I am making my posts more frequent and trying my best to network. So inpart I have high hopes for this blog and my best wishes!
Thanks for listening I love my followers!


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