When a high school teacher is asked a question in class about Jesus, her response lands her in deep trouble. from imdb.com
This is something that is near and dear to my heart though this movie has already been out for awhile. This message rings true, if no one knew or guessed I am christian , I have been christian all my life. This is something that is now , happening in america something that people seem to try to ignore. But at the same time , its something that should have some light brought to. There are those people who do agree that there should not be religion anywhere. As most would call it , there are times where our faith is tested. Where we need to stand up for what we believe in. Now for the movie , When a high school teacher is asked about Jesus, she answers the question honestly. As much as she can , when that happens there is another student who has an issue with that. Soon the school is on the road to punish this teacher for simply stating and telling the student something. She is accused of trying to force her religion on the students. Furthermore , it leads to a legal case. Throughout the whole movie you see characters that you recognize from the first movie. God's Not Dead , and see how a time lapse and see how certain things in the first movie effect them. So you get to meet new characters and see old ones. This is definitely a movie that everyone should see because it does question . When you faith is tested will you fall to the troubles of this world. Matthew 10:33 reads,But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.
This is something that should hit , home for everyone I know there has been times where you haven't been asked to deny him. But hid your faith from those who may feel the need to be upset. There are times coming where being a christian isn't the best thing.
( these words are my own I was not paid for this review)
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