Easter For Older Kids and Teenagers Ideas

What do you do when , your child no longer a child but a teenager and isn't into all the Easter basket stuff? Or not into the usual candy and eggs stuff? Easter is sometimes hard because you dont know what to get them. You want to make sure that your kids are taken care of while enjoying the holiday. I  dont think you should overthink the perfect gift for Easter. 
The next few ideas, I will share with you if you are looking for the perfect gift , or basket for your teens.
First I would honestly ditch the basket , with older kids this would be just junk to them . They do not need it , for girls I would go for a purse they may have been eyeing or a pretty bag. Boys I would use a cap brand new , a popcorn bucket to use . Something that can hold items but they can use. As for items , with girls there is so much you can give them.

  • gift cards , ex: visas , itunes , favorite items
  • beauty items,ex: brushes , hair ties , hair items , makeup
  • clothing 
  • spring shoes , ex: flip -flops 
  • Candles 
  • lotions 
  • adult coloring books 
  • Dvd's
These items as well as many others depending on the teen ,
For teen boys . they are a whole different story. Boys are more Foodie type of people and dont have a lot of use of stuff. Teens especially ,

  • giftcards 
  • body products 
  • food more precisely snacks 
  • favorite video game 
  • dvd's 
These are some ideas , that can work for almost any teen boy , as well as depending on the personality. If you want to skip stuff , I would suggest a Easter card with some money , a gift card and some favorite candy. less fuss and junk to deal with. 


  1. My eldest is 15 years-old and she still enjoys gong on an egg hunt every Easter. We like to get really creative with the hiding place for her eggs, and she still has a blast finding them.

  2. My older teens still get into the holiday spirit, and they love getting stuff for Easter. I always try to find some type of container they will reuse instead of a basket, like you suggest.


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