Patterns of Evidence : Exodus , Movie Review

What is the validity of history found in the Bible? Is it fact or fiction? What does the hard evidence really have to say about the foundational story of the Old Testament: the Exodus out of Egypt? An in-depth investigation by documentary filmmaker Tim Mahoney searches for answers to these questions amid startling new finds that may change traditional views of history and the Bible. 

It has been awhile since  , I have posted anything and I am sorry for that . Being in my last semester of school , I have let some of my responsibilities , slide and there is no reason for that. But today I bring you a wonderful movie , which is a documentary. I can honestly tell you I am not much for documentaries most of the time I actually find them quite boring. Unless its something that is of interest to me. About last year in the spring , we had a special guest speaker at our church he was actually a archaeologist that was seeking to find certain aspects or places from the bible. Throughout the church service he showed us certain places that were mentioned in the bible and by using clues that were mentioned and then pointing out certain clues. This somehow once I saw the chance to watch something similar in the ways of case for Christ I knew I had to watch it. This movie , had me awestruck and wanting to see more. Time after time , we meet those who are not of the faith and most tell me , "well prove it" if you cannot prove it  then its a fairy tale. Although faith should be , heard and not seen , some people search for the truth because they want to see proof. There are several places and different ways where clues can key you in from what the bible has told us. The information is so clearly shown its easy to understand. Thinking about my own faith this is something that definitely made everything so much clearer to me. Although I have not been able to show non-believer to see their take on it . I would definitely share this with  believers and non -believers alike. Although I wish that this review is sightly shorter than my usual reviews . I hope that you take a chance to look at this and see that there is evidence everywhere to prove certain aspects of the bible. I would love to share more details but I believe that would be ruining the movie overall and that isnt that much fun isnt it?
( I was given this DVD for free for my honest unbaised review , these words are my own)


  1. Thank you for your review of our film. We appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it- along with some of your readers too hopefully!
    We wanted to let you know about our 'Thinker Updates' since you are a Bible enthusiast. They include fascinating research & finds with new evidence related to the Bible, plus more . We typically send them out once a week and then archive the blogs for reference & pleasure reading. You can sign up here to become a 'Thinker'


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