Life as A Post Grad

Well guys , we are close to the end spring semester has already ended for my college friends. I haven't had to worry about school in awhile , I graduated in December of 2017. With my Bachelors in criminal justice , and a minor in sociology. As much as I would have loved to jump into my career of the fast paced world of criminal justice. I guess you can say im taking a much needed break from worrying about much. I have work and thats about it apart from church activities that tend to keep me busy. Honestly I am so eager to get my chance and be able to work sometime soon.
Getting out of college and having time to think about what I want in life has granted me . Time , which sometimes is weird , time to know what I want , time to know where I want to be. Granted I still want to keep blogging I want people to know my thoughts on things . So please Just stay tuned thanks for everything. 


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