What If? , a look into the marvel universe , My Thoughts so far

Exploring pivotal moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and turning them on their head, leading the audience into uncharted territory.From IMBD.com
 What if is the new Marvel Cartoon series , that marvel made to pose the question. "what if?" they pose different questions such as , What if Peggy Carter was the one that took the super solider serum? or what if Tachalla was starlord?

To be honest this took me awhile to watch because mainly , I do love marvel there are a few other shows that take up the remainder of the time that I have. But lets talk about Peggy's episode there isn't much I can say without giving the whole episode away. But I love the "alternate world that they bring into this storyline. Everyone is still friends and such and people know each other but it is different roles that these characters have. But I do believe it follows the same storyline of Captain America , The first avenger . It was pretty cool to see Peggy though , joyfully throwing her shield and plowing through bad guys. Overall I would give the episode 8/10 as it was kinda slow at first and then it truly picked up in action later. 
The next "what if" poses What if Ta'challa was starlord? This is where the storyline gets very far off the path but still poses very good questions. When Ta'challa or as Nebula calls him "cha cha" Gets picked up by the ravagers rather than well Chris Pratts Character. Which at the moment I cannot think of his actual name than just Starlord . I know I am such a horrible marvel fan sometimes. But anyways as goes the Peggy's episode I cannot reveal too much. Mainly because you still see another side to other characters and another whole storyline of what if. I dont want to give too much away but for now I would give this episode 9/10 because this one was more interesting and pulled at more questions than Peggy's episode. 



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