In an admittedly unique premise, Aaron Eckhart stars as Frankenstein’s monster, 200 years on from his creation, walking the streets of a dystopian city. He finds himself caught in the middle of a battle between the gargoyles, heavenly creatures protecting the world from an army of demons, who themselves are eyeing The Creature (christened ‘Adam’ by the leader of the gargoyles) as a means of putting the spirits of demons into dead bodies. Unwilling to pick a side, Adam suddenly is compelled to arms when he meets a beautiful human scientist (Yvonne Strahovski). Read more at I watched this movie with my friend , to waste some time on a Saturday night when I first saw this movie I was excited I showed this even to my other half hoping to spark his interest and love for action movies. It didn't catch his attention sadly , so I was waiting for the DVD release so I was excited when she asked me to ...