Endless Love Movie Review and Thoughts.

"The story of a privileged girl and a charismatic boy whose instant desire sparks a love affair made only more reckless by parents trying to keep them apart." (from imdb.com)
It was another beautiful day in my part of the world when I went and spent some girl time alone, Now if you follow my blog . You know im currently in a serious committed relationship I have been for awhile 2 years so mushy romantic movies dont get me excited very much anymore because I know life isn't perfect neither is a relationship.So at the choice I made between two fantasy romance / action movies and one like this. I chose the one that was more real to life , It started soon after I sat down with my frozen coke slushie and texting a few friends. And I was basically sobbing in the beginning already . I felt like I could relate to everything that jade was feeling , with her feelings towards David and having a parent who just wants the best for their child even if it isn't their wishes. None the less , I felt that this movie felt more real than any other movie that was out there , other than the Vow . It isn't cookie cutter , they meet , fall in love and live happy ever after. I believe that both work for what they want, and its being together , they have to get through being torn apart and hurt , in order to find each other again. Life isn't perfect , neither is relationships None the less I loved how unperfect this movie was. And I felt how it really showed a flawed relationship as always I dont like talking very much the movie itself. But this is definitely a 10 in my book and worthy of a preorder. Which I fully plan to do once it is aviable to order on DVD .
And dont worry about me. :) my imperfect relationship is doing fine at the moment.
God Bless.


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