College Life , Ideas Thoughts

As many people get the idea that I am a college student and even though I am a online student . I once was a campus student bright eyed and bushy tailed. I spent my freshman year in the dorms and soon transitioned into an apartment with my roommate who was also my best friend as well . I wanted to share my thoughts on certain experiences that happened and tips and tricks if you have someone going to college in the spring or next fall. Or you are the person heading to college , either way this will help you somehow! 

One thing that can be a life-saver and help is sending your person or yourself with a starting college kit . It can be a basket of goodies to remind them of home and help them get through the homesickness. Or items that can help them in college school supplies dorm supplies its all dependent on what you think they need! I was given money mostly to buy my own supplies and that is what I ended up doing. But something as simple as the picture shown can help a college student out a ton. As for items to decorate your dorm or theirs , simple is the key because towards the end of the semester as sometimes it goes . They clean the rooms out and make items be taken home. So it is key the less you pack the less you have to deal with , when it comes to spring semester you as well have to "move out". Of your room , because during the Sumner as it goes sometimes the dorms are not open during the Sumner. There are so many tips I am going to share over this time I hope you tune in!

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