Aames Discount Magazine Subscriptions Review

( The products mentioned in the review were given to me to review for free)
Again I was given the chance to review another wonderful company . This time it deals with magazines! I get tons of magazines almost every other month and month . These mostly come from various survey's and participation. But these are different , they give you magazines at wonderful discounted prices. I received a Magazine Subscription For my input and what can I say looking at the website it truly is discounted as low as they can go and the website is easy to navigate . You pick a Category and you find what you like . I believe what I love about there is no auto renewal it can be so frustrating finding out that you have been charged again when you don't want to be charged. Is so frustrating and finding out a number to call and cancel is just another headache that is not worth it! 
Some of the Deals that I could find were my favorite Magazine Cosmopolitan, priced at $16.77 which is usually priced at $21.77 . Love Sports? ESPN Magazine ,  is priced at $16.77 and it is Usually priced at $21.77. Great Deals for Wonderful Magazines , They are awesome please 
Please check out their website for more wonderful deals!


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