The Perfect Guy Movie Review.

Hello guys!! I am so sorry school has been taking most of my time away. I am trying to get back into the blogging thing. While my prime is off so I can catch up, I still get other companies but nothing official yet anyways. I thought I would catch you up on my movie watching and reviews , most of these movies with the exception of one which you will see are now waiting to be released on DVD and blue-ray.
My mom and me heading to the movies for this thriller , and a good chick flick . And we were not disappointed. The Perfect Guy , is he the Perfect guy? The plot on IMDB reads,
"After breaking up with her boyfriend, a professional woman gets involved with a man who seems almost too good to be true." 
Not to give too much away, but this story is mixed and had mixed reviews. My mothers opinion that it was good compared to what other movies she has watched and seen. 
 You keep rooting for the female lead as the story gets more twisted and turned you don't know who you want to believe. And at the end you are left wondering what happened and what will happen. I loved the thriller concept and seemed similar as movies such as the boy next door. And obsessed with beyconce both are movies you can already own on DVD . As for the Perfect Guy you can rent and purchase yourself a copy on December 29th 2015.
(the views expressed in this blog are my own and none others)


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