DVD spotlight : MAX

After U.S. Marine Kyle Wincott is killed in Afghanistan, Max, his highly trained service dog, is too traumatized to remain in service. Back in the U.S., Kyle's family adopts the dog, but teenage brother Justin  has problems of his own and doesn't want the animal. However, Max may be Justin's only chance to learn what really happened to his brother. With the help of a dog-savvy friend, Justin and Max begin to bond, and set out to unravel the mystery of Kyle's death.(from.google.com)
Again I am bringing you a DVD spotlight, ive tried to make it a habit to bring you a review of a DVD that has made it to rentals. My little brother, loves to watch movies, the other week I was inspired to grab this one. My mom, my little brother and me sat down and watched it. This is definitely a family friendly movie. With that being said I would suggest being on hand to explain certain things to younger kids who may not understand some themes. But other wise than that , this is a wonderful movie. Friendship, family and the love for our country. Without giving too much away, Max is the story of a Dog after his handler is killed during a deployment he is sent home. And soon is discharged from duty and is adopted by his handlers family. Who is still dealing with the loss of their son. Soon the little brother left behind , starts to form a bond with max which leads to adventures beyond. 
I dont want to give too much away to the story, 
Max is on DVD now and is rated PG
(the words written are my own)


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