Hell or High Water DVD spotlight

A divorced father and his ex-con older brother resort to a desperate scheme in order to save their family's ranch in West Texas. rated R from imdb.com
Again I am here bringing you a DVD spotlight , this time I am bringing you a movie that is near and dear to my heart <3 We actually had this movie film in Our area the scenes that you see. I see almost everyday when I go to school or go to work . So this movie was a must see for our family , though I need to admit right now this is not a family movie! In most cases I would not let siblings watch such a movie. But we are a movie loving family and we thought it would be something to see sights we see almost every single day. Now back to the movie, This is an awesome movie, everything is so well done. Our beautiful new mexico landscape and the people. Though it is based in Texas you are actually looking at New Mexico , which in most ways is funny within itself. But I digress , The characters are so well rounded and have their own dimensions, Jeff bridges is this hard Texas Ranger trying to bring down these two brothers in their own scheme. In trying to save their family's farm, they will do anything to keep within the family. This is when you truly know when family will do anything for you. I loved this movie and I love the town I live in . I highly recommend this movie for an adult date night  , and a movie night with the older crowd. You will not be disappointed please enjoy a piece of my hometown and the area around it. 


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