Sole patches : Relief From Your Feet ! Thoughts and reviews

( I was given a sample as compensation for a review and the thoughts on this product )

These are so cool! I got these to test and review . Have you ever wore heels? delt with the uncomfortable worn out balls of your feet after a few hours? I know I have had that uncomfortable feeling time after time. Same reason I dont own a lot of heels I usually tend to stick to those shoes that are more comfortable and have less of a heel. Those are a lot more comfortable! and so much better to wear!
But if you still insist on wearing heels I do have the solution for you! Sole Patches are these cute flower "pedals" that you can place on your uncomfortable areas of your feet and being able to handle your shoes a whole lot better! You can place on your feet troubled areas for a more temporary thing. Or you can permanently attach them to shoes. They can be placed where they are need to make those beloved heels feel so much better than they usually are. Have you ever heard that fashion is pain? well honestly it doesn't have to be! These are just as handy. And will definitely make those holiday parties much more comfortable!
You can check out the website here:
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  1. I haven't heard of these before and I am so glad I found your post. Yep going out to get me some of these patches for myself.


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