Lego Batman Movie Review:

Well this Review is For all the Families out there , Wondering about the New Batman Flick . And wondering if it is up to par with the rest of the Lego movies. But do not fear! I am here to give you a complete review from a kid and a "guardian " spotlight.
What is Lego batman about?
Bruce Wayne must not only deal with the criminals of Gotham City, but also the responsibility of raising a boy he adopted.from rated PG
This comes from the creators of the Lego movie and I can truly say this movie is for the kids and the kids at heart. IT is chalk full of corny jokes some adult and some that are a bit over done. I cannot say that the adults will have a wonderful time , but I know that the kids do, and I can truly say it is something that you can take the whole family too without much worry if there is going to be something you dont want them to see. Which is fairly simple at the same time , be prepared for some cornyness and some laughter it should be a good time for all. I can though being 25 years old had my fair share of laughter and my brother seemed to enjoy himself. This is a wonderful movie and will not disappoint. 
These words are my own , I paid for the tickets I was not compensated for my review , thank you. 


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