Review: Gary LeVox , One on One , Release

A lot of people may not get the name of Gary Levox , mainly because he was known under Rascal Flatts he was the lead singer and the co-founder. So more people may be able to recognize his voice but maybe not his name. Ever since the band retired he started creating his own music specifically meshing both of his passions which is music and his faith. While I wait , which is one of the songs on the album is a beautifully written song in which Gary's Daughter sings with her father. While listening to this album at work , I felt like I could still sense the style of Rascal Flatts but with his own voice and twist. The country feel and heart I could sense at the core of his style of writing and His passion for music . Every purchase from this EP  $1 will go towards the fight against human trafficking. With the Tim Tebow foundation which supports numerous causes.     
When asked about the role God has played in his musical journey, LeVox said, “I feel like God graced us with a platform where we can not only touch people’s lives through music, but by being men of God offstage too,” explained LeVox. “At those times when we are with fans that are going through something like cancer, it is so wonderful to not only sing for them but to hold their hand and pray with them. I want them to know that they have a friend in me. I’m not just some guy on the stage. I feel like Christ has put me in this position because He knew I could handle the obligation, which often mean staking the time to lift someone up in prayer.

Overall I do , love this and it has become a new favorite EP to listen to while I journal with my bible or have some alone time with the Lord. I would highly recommend this for your listening pleasure and to add to your Spotify playlist or purchase to own .  I would though honestly purchase , some sort of the proceeds will go to a good cause! ( I have not been paid for my opinion , I received a copy before release date for my own listing pleasure as a compensation for my review , by mometum influensters)



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