RoboCop The Review...

Robocop is a remake of the 80's classic by the same name, "In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) - a loving husband, father and good cop - is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer"(from
I decided to take my younger brother , to this movie since he was begging and wanting to go see it. I thought there would be no harm in having a brother and sister movie thing. So I took him , on a break from school work and work in general. Take in mind I have never seen the 80's version of this movie but a few clips. So if you are looking for someone to compare this to I'm not your person. None the less , what can I say its another action movie that deserves a good look at . My little brother enjoyed it while watching his face was glued to the screen the whole time. It is now currently on dvd and blue-ray so pick it up if you have the chance!


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