Step Up All In Movie Review and Thoughts

I had the pleasure of reviewing this movie now that its on DVD. So I decided to rent it on this cold and winter night. And it does not disappoint!
The Description on reads 
"All-stars from the previous Step Up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers." from"
I am a huge Fan of the movies and have seen all of them now at some point. Including the very first one , And what can I say I have fallen in love with all these characters. And grew up somewhat with them , I have always had a knack for the stage and the screen. I did act when I was in high school and dance  still consider both of them hobbies and things that I love. Being on stage is a different form of high , but enough about me lets talk about the movie . Without giving spoilers nor too much away , you get to see all but most of your favorite characters  that you have grown to know and love. In the beautiful cities of L.A and Las Vegas , you get all the wonderful and awesome dance numbers you are expecting. So why not pick up or rent digitally a copy today? It is available on all platforms !  also on DVD and Blue-ray


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