Yard Sale Guide

I thought I would post at least once a day since I am waiting on products to come in to review. This is not on beauty nor reviews but sort of a guide of sorts. Growing up my mother loved yard sales well she still does for the most part. Either way we were dragged countless weekends to find yard sale goodies. And we did , I found items for half price and in very good condition funny enough my hunny thought that I spent a lot on my clothing when that wasn't the case. Funny enough, I am a super bargain hunter my mother taught me well . Sometimes I abide by her rules and sometimes I go on my own. 
So what do you buy from yard sales? what questions do you ask? and what can be saved for the store such as Walmart or other big stores? Rather than buy used??
  • Underwear! this is a no brainier unless it looks clearly clean nor haven't been used . Then dont buy it common sense . Can tell you this , I honestly wouldn't buy it unless it comes in a package never used. 
  • Make-up , now this is a tricky one because there is certain forms that can be used by someone else. Such as a foundation , and maybe eye shadow but I would not use it nor buy it unless it looks overused. You may want to save a buck but it isn't worth paying someone for a small amount. Lipstick and chapstick is tricky , I tend to buy and cut the top off , because of germs you can never be too careful. Eye makeup such as mascara , and other applied makeup I would avoid unless noted never opened nor used.  
I believe ive covered everything mostly but there are other items to be weary of but chose to post a buyers risk. Any electrics i pods , CD players , TV's I would ask as many questions as I could before giving them any money. And ask if you can "play" and see before you buy. Mattresses are a whole other story they can carry bed bugs and other gross things. But sometimes you can catch a good deal when dealing with this. But I again would ask questions better be safe than sorry. Now almost the last thing clothing, this is where its good I would avoid anything with too much wear and tear to it. No matter how much you want it, new clothing is always a great find . I love when I find something awesome that is half price and brand new. Always make sure its going to fit , if you are unsure then do not get! or be like my mother and try on tops in front of everyone over your current shirt -.- . I hate when she does that , none the less she finds out if it fits or not. What else what else can I cover??
 Blankets and other household items are a go if they are in good condition and not overused. Just as in the case of blankets wash them first before you use them. A new popular thing to come of this is FB groups that are like online yard sales, if a group is properly made you can find almost anything you would like. So what else do you think I should cover? 


  1. Really helpful tips to buy from yard sale. thanks for sharing.

  2. Great tips! Thank you for the post!


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