Mommy And Me Water Bottles Review and Thoughts

 ( I was given this product for free on behalf of the company and for my honest review and thoughts the review and the words are my own)
I dont know how many of you have a little girl in your life , I have boys at the moment lol! well they are my brothers. Being An older child , the oldest in the family to be correct you have siblings that look up to you and want what you have. They respect , and fight for things lol simple sibling rivalry, I tend to have a closer bond with the youngest in our family because he considers me like a 2nd mother. While my family was dealing with my other siblings medical issues , I took care of my youngest sibling. He always wants to be somewhat like me , lol im a girl and he is a dude! but anyways you get the drift. When I saw these water bottles , I thought they were the coolest thing  and so cute. 
Brings me back to the days when I just wanted to be like mommy , you can even admit when you were a child you wanted to have a purse like your mother, dress and act like her. These Bottles , are wonderful for those times! 
Being Healthy , is a step to a better lifestyle , these bottles are easy to clean easy to open and close. Took me a quick second to figure them out but when I got them figured then it was easy. They also have a convenient loop for easy carrying and they fit in almost and every cup holder. I cannot wait to give this bottle to my little bro to share with so he can be like his big sister! As you can see in the photo above and below they are hot neon pink, the photo below gives them a slight red color. 
I would definitely recommend this product for those who want to give their daughter or any female something that matches a family member. And those workout mommies, who daughters beg to have something like momma.

  I love these bottles , and cannot wait to use them further, I set a goal to lose weight this season for the summer and these definitely help! Whenever I go out on a walk , or jog or do zumba this bottle will be by my side! So convenient . So why not? give it a try they have a money back guarantee love them or get your money back!
You can purchase them by clicking on the link below  

( I would never recommend a product that I have not tired myself nor used , every product on my blog has my full support and backing unless otherwise stated or noted, The review and thoughts are my own , I received this product for free for my honest review and thoughts)


  1. lovely blog post, am loving your blog lots of lovely content, keep up the great work . caroline from


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