Lavender Eye Pillow Review

( I received this product for free on behalf of the company for my honest review and thoughts on the product)
This is what surprised me and what I was excited for , since my mother had always owned a homemade one. These are wonderful for getting rid of headaches and keeping them away. Which always helps , once you put it on you can feel it working. This can be used both ways you can heat it safety in the microwave. Or you can place them in the freezer , for even more comfort, I love placing them on my eyes and taking everything away. Definitely so worth it. The product description on reads.
  • Each pillow features SUPER SOFT, Natural Fabrics (100% Organic Cotton Available) filled with Organic Flax Seed & Pure and Natural Aromatherapy Herbs to Relieve Tension and Stress.
  • Let the muscles in your face take a brief vacation while you enjoy some cool relief.
  • Enjoy the perfect amount of light acupressure as the flax seed filling gives you a mini massage around your eyes and you fall into a deep state of complete relaxation.
  • Click The Add To Cart Button Now & Start Enjoying Peace & Relaxation ASAP!
  • Reduce Swelling and Relieve Headache Pain by Popping Your Eye Pillow In The Freezer. We suggest purchasing a few of them so you can have a steady stock of ready to use eye pillows. It feels absolutely sublime chilled!
I definitely love taking a eye vacation. I love how the silk feels cooled  the strong smell of the lavender, when it is in the freezer and taking it out and placing it on your face. I have yet to use it while heated but I will sometime. I would strongly suggest choosing the color or the fabric that is silk. I love these and they work wonders! Please click on the link , to purchase and find more information.


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