50 Shades of Grey Make Up Forever Set Give into me Review

I know its been awhile since 50 shades has been in theaters. I saw these first online and then in stores when I visited my local spehora not truly local though (its 2hrs away!) I have to make an admission though I have never owned expensive makeup. OMG shocker right? I wasn't truly that makeup person for the longest time but finding my niche in the blogging world. I came to start wearing makeup and using it on a daily basis weather it be. Using it all week or going a few days without it to let my skin heal and regain my glow as you could say. Ok back to the fact I have never own any expensive makeup. So I got the idea from an article stating after a breakup you should buy yourself something new and something to help in finding a new look. This is where my love of 50 shades and makeup now comes into play. 
I wanted something that was going to be worth my money and something that I would love. They offer 3 sets or rather levels you can chose from. From a lip set to a blush set and then this set which was retailing for $80.00 even . At the time of purchase they were offering all the sets now I cannot find on sephora .com not sure about the store. I have not been by in awhile, but ebay is pricing them now for 109.00 well this set I am not completely sure about the rest of these sets. But this one in general is priced very high in my opinion. What do you get? You receive one lipstick , mascara , eyeliner , lip gloss . And eye shadow set to capture , Ana's Natural look or your own look . you also receive a limited edition keepsake box that you can use. For other things such as jewelry it is beautifully crafted and has quotes from the series around its rim. Either way you are getting a wonderful product I love mine! 


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