Beyond the Lights DVD movie spotlight

"The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be." from

I rented this movie this week on digital , and it is now available on DVD and blue-ray and digital release . On all the platforms , amazon, itunes , etc the list is long. None the less , you go into watching this movie believing its going to be a romantic love story from the start , he helps her and they live happy ever after. But that is not the case , they go through tough times . This is actually the one movie I can say is where the woman is battling her demons. And he truly helps her, he brings her back from the point of no return and then it comes to a true real life romantic story. I dont want to give too much away you know me , but this movie is rated PG-13 for some scenes. Definitely something worth considering, rent it first and then add it to your dvd collection. 


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