Janurary Goals:

Well Guys December has come and gone and now we are almost midway into January. I guess I can update you on goals. Well most of my goals , got completed and then they did not. I guess you can say there was a grey area. So I am trying to make new goals , and I will update yall next month.

  • Reading : Start to work on my TBR list , and also start blogging some reviews of my favorites. 
  • Reading My Bible , as Well as Going through the numerous , devotionals that I have bought and I am wanting to read. 
  • Planning Well , not necessarily into the future but rather have my weeks in my planner , better written out and able to understand them better. 
  • Exercise 
  • Eat better , At the moment I am fasting from Meat , and Soda .. we will see how this keeps on during these next few weeks. 
  • Be more open , and make more friends. 
  • Keep trying to learn more Spanish. My mother has got me watching one show in Spanish. I am trying so hard to understand more and speak it. Without asking my mother to repeat or translate for me. 
I also have some varied goals , of participating and going and helping with the youth group and the college ministry. Making more connections as we go , which is always a good thing. 

I hope to keep y'all updated! 


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