Gurin Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Review ~ And Thoughts
( I received this product for free on behalf of the company for my honest reviews and thoughts on the product my views and thoughts are of my own) I was very excited to receive this product when I had a chance to review the last one. So on a very cold snowy day I finally got it in the mail . The set up is very simple and comes with everything , that you need a starter kit of sorts. Aromatherapy has been around for ages , over 6,000 years according to the net. I did some research to find out some fun facts about the practice and this is what I found according to . Fact One: Aromatherapy has been used for over 6000 years, first by the Chinese who used to burn special herbs to encourage harmony and well-being. They are believed to have identified over 300 herbs that could offer health benefits when burned.
Fact Two: The Egyptians regularly used incense, bath oils and massage ointments but are best known for using ess...