Campbell's Tasters! ~Crowdtap review
( I received these products on behalf of crowdtap for free for my honest reviews and thoughts)
I was so excited to be apart of this program , about two months ago I believe , I received a box full of goodies and brand new food to try out and share with you wonderful people. And among other things I tried out the most simplest items. My hubby , took several items with him to try out while he was at work. One of the first items was the slow cooked kettle soup perfect for those on the go.
while I was able to get some photos I was not able to take pictures as the fact was I live a busy life. At the same I can share my thoughts , and what I thought of each and every single product. When it comes down to it things are slowly improving and this soup which comes in various flavors. Is proof of it, when it comes down to it I never thought I loved this kind of soup but trying the chicken soup and warming it up made the house smell so good. I cannot wait to try them again and find coupons for them.

another Product that was in my package was these , and though they are highly rated among my boyfriend I cannot stand this product myself. I hate the taste and the feel of it , but granted I did not grow up with this product in my house being a child of a health food nut. We had some food , but at the same time, she did not let us have certain items.

These other products I made various pastas with ground beef and I loved the taste. I just could not figure out the pictures nor had the time to take them, just these sauces worked well with what I had at the certain time.
When it comes down to this was the taste testing that I loved to have and had the chance to figure out. When it comes down to it , I really wish the product coupons lasted longer and I was able to buy more of the products to use . Which I hated , but at the same it was fun , and I cannot wait for the chance to try these products once more.
Yum. Now I'm hungry!