Holiday Must Haves! Mother Edition!

Who doesn't love their mom? I know I do our past is laced with rocky bumps in the road. But when it comes down to it shes my mom and always will be my mother. I usually would post a pic of my holiday guide but I dont have many good photos of my mother. Maybe sometime soon , Either way You got to have a gift guide for mommy! And those who are like mothers lets break it down! 
What mother does not love a good candle? I have an upcoming blog tour with this company . But I ordered a more adventurous set that I am going to cover in my girlfriend gift guide for the candle tour. I have heard nothing but praise for this company and their candles, and so excited to try them soon. They offer so many amazing sets depending on the mood of your mother and what she loves, I know my mother loves almost anything that smells wonderful you can purchase these candles straight from amazon here: 

 Another thing that my mother loves , is bath and body works she loves most of all their scents and when I dont like something she gladly takes it. And sometimes forgets stuff she buys for me from there and it ends up in her cabinet. One of those, I love my mother , I love my mother moments. None the less , during the holiday seasons they offer a wide array of sets almost with any kind of scent possible. The photo pictured above is something that bath and body works offers this year. None the less , there are even bigger sets , and smaller sets depending on the price and how much you can afford. 

 One thing that my mother has taught me , so much is how to take care of your skin. She loves her skin creams and if your mother is a beautyholic like mine then wexler offers a huge line of different skin care and body products for the face and other parts . (lol) These are now mostly sold online , sadly on the bath and body works online retailer site. Since most products were not deemed popular in most stores , they are not sold in my big city town closest to me to sold in another town two hours away from the other town. Either way my mother swears by this product she loves it , and sometimes buys it if she is up to holiday shopping. 

Is your mother a teaholic? I know mine is she has a cabinet shelf dedicated to her teas. She drinks twice a day depending on the day , and sometimes more if its cold or she is sick.  But most of the time on a normal day she drinks once in the morning and once in the evening before bedtime.Its her normal routine , I would recommend a tea gift set or something similar maybe coffee? Strictly depends on what your mother likes 
What mother does not like to get free money? shes always buying everyone else stuff . Getting her a gift card to her favorite store like Barnes and noble or Starbucks or even a clothing store. Anything that she could love, mine loves books and it shows at our house she loves books about gardening and cooking . 

This is probably one of my shortest gift guides, but its what I could think of until next time . 
God Bless!


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