New Year , Old Year, Life of a College Blogger.

I thought I would share a little light its been a good year , my blog has expanded and its wonderful. 
I want to share my goals for this upcoming year and semester of college. As many of you might have guessed I am a college student online mostly even though I have lived on campus and lived the dorm life. I've had two wonderful roommates there and 3 more when I shared an apartment. I am another year older as well and somewhat wiser but if you ask anyone they can name some of my most famous blond moments. But that is not the point none the less, I want to finish college and graduate be the first is my family to finish. My mother always wanted to finish school and she has almost gotten there but life got in the way. (she had two more kids before she was able to finish so family came first) None the less , I want to finish , I want to make the deans list at least once. Its the way I was raised not to be just good to be awesome reach the highest level possible. None the less I have high hopes for my future as a blogger and as a student. I want to expand and be contracted with a huge company, ive already expanded so much! I want to travel some more if time and money makes me able. I also wanted to bring attention to the quote I posted , and as some of you know I love taylor swift she is an awesome role model and something for girls to look up to. Now if you disagree with that simply I dont care and I dont  share it. None the less , ive always noticed being raised differently from everyone else made me different . I did have struggles and I over came them and I am proud of that. These are just random thoughts to start the new year off. Lets see what it can bring! 


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