( I received these products for free on behalf of tomson and the company for my honest reviews and thoughts)
I had the pleasure yet again of getting to try out one of the many new diet fads out there, Which is the Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Ive seen this mostly in stores lately now that the holidays are over. So lets get back to the facts shall we? Or rather with the honest truth.

I found this image on my Facebook and this certainly does speak some truth. I mean come on we cant help it. Its the holidays! , the food is plentiful and long lasting. Sweets are also on the table I know that my boyfriends mother bought and made two cheesecakes and I ate several pieces apart from that my stocking was filled overflowing with candy. Which ive ate most of it , there are snacks a plenty at my house , I know the other day I snacked and snacked and snacked . And maybe just maybe gained the weight back that I lost, which is a big huge no no. Anyways , why not start off fresh and enjoy this new year with a healthy start and a promise of a better tomorrow.?

Let us now look at the products themselves , I have reviewed this certain product in the past . Was pleasantly surprised with the effects this has been the first diet pills I have ever taken and no side effects. You see all these horror stories of having the jitters and feeling crappy. When they promise slimming results and you see the woman promise after two weeks or days you start to see results. Losing Weight takes hard work and dedication and these pills as well , They require you to take these 30 minutes before your meal , and I have to tell you that was the hardest part was trying to figure out when you were going to eat and time it just right. The Ketones , pills as well require you to take them twice a- day before breakfast and lunch. So you must time that as well , losing weight and getting in shape is not for the fate hearted. Nor all diet pills are created equal when it comes down to it. I fully believe that this is great aide once you figure out a good workout program and diet. Before the holidays I had something started and it was working, And currently I have not been drinking any caffeinated sodas , but I kinda fell off the bandwagon the other day. and today ive had one Dr.pepper and one Coffee. But ive been a good girl only drinking juice poweraid or sodas with no caffeine to slowly wean myself off sodas completely. Either way I would highly recommend both of these pills when it comes down to it. A good exercise program a decent diet program these all natural pills will get you far. I just love the fact that they are all natural no harsh effects for that reason. The information off Amazon.com reads,
How It work as Fat Blocker and appetite Suppressant?
The HCA extract from Garcinia Cambogia aids in weight loss by doing two things: It helps to block fat, and it suppresses your appetite. HCA blocks fat by inhibiting a key enzyme that your body needs to make fat from carbohydrates: Citrate lyase. Usually carbohydrates or sugars that are not used immediately or stored in other forms are converted into fats. When HCA inhibits citrate lyase, the fat-making process is halted and the production of LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides decrease. HCA also suppresses appetite by increasing serotonin levels. Having low levels of serotonin may make you feel depressed or anxious; it drives many people into emotional or reactive eating. By increasing serotonin levels, HCA improves mood and suppresses the drive to react to stressful situations with food. As you eat less, your body senses this and it releases stored fat.
So in most words the natural products in these pills help kick start your natural fat blocker.
So why not? what do you have to lose?
You can purchase by clicking the link below:
(I would never recommend a product that I have not tried myself first all my reviews I recommend each and every product with my full approval and backing unless otherwise stated or noted) ( please talk to a doctor before starting any diet or pill regime safety first folks!)
I really went overboard with food for the holidays, just looking at it made me gain weight!!! So I'm now looking for something to help me she'd pounds but more natural, this sounds just like what I need. I'm going to add to my wish list! Thanks for sharing!