Holiday Must Haves! Men Edition

I know most of my readers have men in their life , and are looking for that perfect gift or gifts. In my last blog post for today, I wanted to cover gifts for the guys in our life , mine is in the photo above but for safety reasons his name will remain anonymous. This guy makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world spoils me and our "baby" rotten. He is a hardworker and a 911 dispatcher. So lets began shall we?
Guys are sometimes hard to shop for due to reasons of them being extremely picky. Most rather have money , so they can do as they wish or make it hard enough that you dont buy anything at all . My first gift or rather suggestion is body sets , Axe, Adidas and other sets are plentiful. There is also dove brand for men , this year I bought a shaving set for my hunny since he has the tendency now to grow a gotee/ beard.  But any of these are a perfect addition for any gift these are also wonderful for teen guys. You can find these sets almost anywhere including Walmart and target. 

 Another great gift for those who love their car as much as they love their family or their woman. I have bought , mine countless gift sets for his car. He recently , bought or rather switched cars this last spring we went from a Aveo to a charger. And he loves his car, these sets are great money and are a great deal with these products. I love the Amoral and they are a great brand and do a super job at cleaning. I wouldn't recommend any other brand other than Amoral. 

I have already mentioned this , but the xbox one is a great product apart from some flaws that the product has themselves. It is an overall awesome game system and does its best, but I would recommend some kind of protection for just in case items. The first one that we bought the kinect died after one day of use. Without a receipt or product protection , you are stuck with an $500 paperweight that is worth nothing. But either way these product is top tech , you can Skype , connect with friends, and game. The list goes on and on what is wonderful product can do , just the only thing that is frustrating is the bugs that come with the product but they are working on correcting these issues as they come up
 Another gift idea is a tool set! what man doesn't love a good tool set to fix those pesky things that break around the house. Mine sure does! He goes around the house and makes sure everything is fixed and when something is broken he fixes it. And he uses all these tools weather your man is a fixer up , in the house or with his car he will definitely love a tool set!
 Last but not least , I certainly love this gear, and if you have someone in law enforcement or a fire fighter or anything that is in government. You can show your pride in your work by showing off some gear. My wonderful boyfriend loves this website and I know is hoping for something soon from here. He loves this stuff, you can purchase from the link here:
These again are personal feelings and thoughts about gifts for the holidays and I recommend everything here .  


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