Kitty Moodycards! Review and Thoughts!
( I recieved the product for free on behalf of the company for my honest review and thoughts , the thoughts are my own)
I thought these were the cats meow! being a cat lover I knew I had to try these out! These cute cards , each have some sort of mood , that deals with the office. Basically a fun way to show your mood without even showing it . On your desk as work these are soo cute!! I love cards each has a different mood and has a different kitty to match it. I love the can I leave early please kitty , and I am new here kitty. These are wonderful for those coworkers who love cats as a cute gift or a gag gift , to let everyone know what they are truly thinking. They are funny whimsical and wonderful to have around for a good laugh. Apart from the Kitty Moody Cards , they have Two others Doggy Moody's and Moody's . so it just depends on your style and your preference.
The kitty moody cards can be bought here following this link....
The Doggy Moody Cards can be bought here following this link
And the Moody Cards can be bought here following this link

(I received the product for free on behalf of the company , every product featured has my full approval unless otherwise noted)
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