Kingsman Secret Service , Review and Thoughts

Based on the Comics Secret Service, Kingsman Secret Service is James bond for a newer generation. I love this movie! I took my little brother the movie gru and movie buff buddy. When it comes down to it the rating of R comes from the number of F bombs that they throw in this movie. As well of the "gore" and the violence that is spread out throughout the movie. None the less , there are some movies that have wide spread violence and are no good have a horrible storyline and dont seem to have a plot . Now this is a movie that stands out from the rest , and it is as I keep saying another newer version of James bond for this generation. 
 What does IMDb. describe this movie as?
"A spy organization recruits an unrefined, but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius."
It is rated R as I keep stating just to let you know, so I would recommend this for the older generation teens and older. Because of the language of this movie, I dont give much away. But this definitely is a thrill ride from start to finish.
 The Star to this movie and newcomer is definitely eye candy and a new star to look at as he keeps coming up with more movies. This is definitely something worthwhile to watch in the theater. Or watch on DVD , when it comes down to it . Either way this an awesome movie , and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who needs an awesome action movie to watch on their downtime. 


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