Xtava Auto Rotating Curling Iron Review!

( I recieved this product for free on behalf of the company for my honest reviews and thoughts the thoughts are my own.)
Hello everyone!, I was super excited when I received this and was given the pleasure of reviewing it. I had been wishing and hoping over and over to finally get the chance and Finally I was able to! What a great product this is! And something new to try , I already have wavy hair but I love to give it curl and this was interesting
 You simply attach hair  I would suggest maybe a bottom curl and you press the button. Either left or Right doesn't matter and it does the rest you can curl the whole strand of hair or just the bottom whatever you prefer. 
 Enclosed is a starter guide which gives you wonderful hints and a guide to the curler.  I have thick hair somewhat , and they suggest 390 degrees the reading is digital . Which is very helpful , and good for me , my mother has one but it isn't as special as this one!! I love this curler.
  What also to you get other than a curler?
you get a wonderful box to place it in. You get a helpful starter guide , and a coupon for a future purchase. Which is helpful , I love this product! So why not give it a try? 
you can see more information and buy straight from amazon by clicking the link below:

(I would never suggest a product that I have not tried myself nor approve of , every product featured has my full support unless other wise noted) 


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