The Last Five Years Movie , Review and Thoughts

Based on the award nominated Musical by the same name written by Jason Brown. The last Five years tells the story of Cathy and Jamie, and the struggle of love and life. 
I Love musicals and I love the theater , back in high school I was in almost every play and musical with the exception of one or two. Either way , This is not just one of those romantic mushy , movies this movie portrays each characters struggle with their identity in the marriage. You see the fights and the Frustration with each other. And how hard they try to stay together , and keep their crumbing marriage together. I have seen clips of the Broadway musical , and seen different adaptions shown all over the country . Each has its own style to its own. I would definitely recommend this, to those who love Broadway of course . And also those who have seen the real thing , Kendrick and Jeremy both do a wonderful job in both roles.
It is now showing in select theaters , but it is able to rent , on digital if you cannot or do not have a theater near you. I rented my copy on Amazon and cannot wait until the DVD is released.


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