Beauty Lashious Eyelash Curler Review and thoughts

(I received the product for free on behalf of the company for my honest reviews and thoughts on the product the words are my own ) 
Ive done many or some reviews for many beauty products and this one surprised me the most. The shape first of all is somewhat different , all eye lash curlers seem to be all the same shape and size and promise all the same thing. Bigger and more beautiful lashes , but seem to fall flat because they all seem to follow the same build and all look the same! So why not something different? Or try something that looks different from the rest? That is why I suggest this! These wonderful pair of curlers grip closer to lash and help you achieve a longer more beautiful lash. Fuller longer Lasting and greatly help improve your lashes. They are pinch free! , easy travel size to put in your purse or your makeup bag! The amazon product description reads,  
This uniquely-designed eyelash curler enables you to get closer to the eyelash root, ensuring a longer curl that lasts all day. It features no-pinch pads & ergonomically-shaped plastic handles for better grip and maximum comfort. See images above. It comes in 5 different colors so it's easy to accessorize with your outfit or purse. It also features a small clasp that allows you to lock the pads together to prevent damage or soiling. Comes with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee so you can order with confidence.
 I love my new lashes and my new look , this was me on my first day of work while using the curler. My eyelashes are more curly and beautiful and longer!
So why not order with confidence ? they will give you back your money if you are not 100% happy with your lashes. but why would not be? I know I am!!! 
(I would never recomend a product that I have not tired myself , nor approve this product has my full approval and backing unless otherwise noted)( the words and thoughts are my own thank-you)


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